Creating Cheap PCBs In India for Makers: Soldering and Review, Part 2
In previous post Creating Cheap PCBs In India for Makers: Designing and ordering, Part 1, we have discussed about how to design PCB and finally
how to order the pcbs from LionCircuits.
I have ordered my PCBs on January 30 2017
and my PCBs were shipped on Feb 7 2017
and it reached
to me on Feb 10 2017
. So it took total 11 days
which is quite FAST if you compare it with other
PCBs manufacturers. Also it was a nice gesture from LionsCircuit to give me
1000/- INR
bonus. :)
Thank you @LionCircuits for these jewels and bonus. ;)
— FAITH + 1 (@amitesh_singh) February 11, 2017
Can't wait to solder these babies and try. Reviews soon on my blog. 👍
I don’t have solder paste and hot air gun so I was totally relying on my solder iron and my skill to solder
this. Two boards turn out to be okay but I screwed one board while soldering because I put too much
force on pulling a stucked solder wire on solder pad. :/ Although a fine jumper wire could be used
to save this :). Probably I will do it later when I actually need to.
Also I need to order solder paste and good quality hot air gun now as I would be doing lot of SMD
Two out of three turns out okay. ☺Works well. I screwed one pcb by putting force on pulling a stuck solder wire on solder pad. 😠
— FAITH + 1 (@amitesh_singh) February 11, 2017
Look at those perfect solder joints. Pure gold.
— FAITH + 1 (@amitesh_singh) February 11, 2017
The default setting in attiny13a is to use 9.6 MHz internal oscillator.
ami@ami-desktop:~$ avrdude -c usbasp -p t13
avrdude: warning: cannot set sck period. please check for usbasp firmware update.
avrdude: AVR device initialized and ready to accept instructions
Reading | ################################################## | 100% 0.02s
avrdude: Device signature = 0x1e9007 (probably t13)
avrdude: safemode: Fuses OK (E:FF, H:FF, L:7A)
avrdude done. Thank you.
I did upload a blinking LED sketch which worked well. Check the video below.
Okay. Blinking LEDs works.@LionCircuits
— FAITH + 1 (@amitesh_singh) February 11, 2017
Added a switch and smd components.
— FAITH + 1 (@amitesh_singh) February 16, 2017
Overall I am pretty happy with the quality of PCBs and the turn out time from ordering PCB to actually get delivered to my door steps. I shall definetly order my PCBs from LionCircuits in future.